Sunday, February 04, 2007

Go Colts!

Can't wait to see the Super Bowl tonight. Kickoff's at midnight, French time! Oh yeah. Better hope it's an exciting game, to keep me awake.

For the record, I'm rooting for the Indianapolis Colts to win, based on (1) my loose affiliation with the city based on my parents' living there for the past several years, and (2) I think it would be a better story for football that the Colts win given that they have been one of the league's more impressive teams in recent years whereas the Bears kind of came out of nowhere and don't have a lot of recognizable names. One thing is for sure, though: if the Colts win, Peyton Manning's mug will be plastered on an astounding variety of advertisements, probably ranging from hemorrhoid cream to breakfast cereals to tartar sauce to you-name-it. You think he's popular now?

French vocab for the day: the word for ear plugs in French: les Boules Quiès. It's another example of a specific brand name whose mark has become synonymous with the object it sells. Kind of like Americans with the word "Kleenex" (everybody calls it Kleenex, even if it's not necessary made by the brand Kleenex) and the French words "le klaxon" (for car horn) and "le scotch" (for scotch tape).


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