Saturday, February 03, 2007

Crêpe Day

Apparently Friday was something called "La Chandeleur", a holiday which is celebrated by eating crêpes. Nobody seems to know all that much about it other than the fact that it is a crêpe-centered holiday even though I've asked around quite a bit. I guess there are worse ideas for holidays out there. I just gobbled down a bunch of Nutella crêpes for my dinner a few minutes ago, in fact, to celebrate.

I know that nobody who might be reading this blog particularly cares to hear me whine about how busy I am, but I'll whine about it anyways. Monday morning I have a meeting with the boss, Monday night is the written portion of my end-of-the-year French test, Tuesday morning is my turn for lab meeting (which I just found out about recently), and Wednesday evening is the oral portion of my French test. To top it all off, I'm resolved to watch The Super Bowl (I'm going to watch it with some other Americans in Paris), which due to the time difference start at midnight.

Oh well. At least I wasn't arrested for head-butting people while wearing a Chewbacca costume like some people.


Blogger Becca said...

I'm very excited about the crepes. And seeing you guys, of course. You still need to make your "Things I want from Duluth" request.

5:45 PM  

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