Saturday, November 05, 2005

Luck's Run Out

My luck officially ran out at approximately 5:45 pm when I was called in by our chief to perform jeopardy duty...I was on call as the overnight resident for the Geriatrics Service. I've spent most of the day napping/recovering.

Another curious thing happened to me. I flushed my glasses down the toilet. No kidding, hear me out--this is friggin' weird. I've had the same pair of glasses since 1997. They're bent all to hell and sometimes the lens pops out, after which I just pop it back in and tighten the screws. So tonight at the precise instant that I'm in the action of flushing the toilet after taking a piss my left glass lens pops out, falls into the toilet, and is immediately whisked away into the netherworlds of the Philadelphia sewer system.

The truly bizarre thing is that Claire had just a few hours earlier left on an pick up my new glasses!! She returned shortly afterwards. I can't help but think that some element of fate is involved here...


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