Thursday, July 26, 2007

BBQ in Montreuil

Merci a tous mes amis dans le laboratoire! The night before last there was a very nice going-away party for myself and Claire which was organized by my lab. It was held at my group leader Sophie's house in Montreuil (a neighborhood of Paris) and I was really moved by everybody's amazing generosity. Merci encore a tous! Je vous promets que je vais écrire dans mon blog en français un jour bientôt...

Some photos from the evening. First, on the left, me displaying my farewell card. As you may notice, Claire is sticking her little finger into little Sophie's mouth in order to shut her up, since she was screaming her head off right at the moment that I was opening our presents...

Also, big Sophie (with her daughter Leili, born exactly 364 days before our daughter) meets little Sophie (with her mom Claire).

Barbecue in le jardin. Nathan et les filles (grad students Marie 2 et Marion)


Blogger Marion said...

Snif !
J'espère bien que tu écriras aussi en français dans ton blog ... En tous les cas, je suivrai tes aventures avec attention !
Au revoir Nathan !
A très bientôt j'espère ... peut-être à Boston ;-)


8:21 AM  

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