Saturday, June 09, 2007

Boulevard de la Mort

Yesterday Claire and I saw the latest Tarantino flick last night, "Death-Proof," although in France it received the equally dark title "Boulevard de la Mort" (Boulevard of Death). We both agreed that like most Tarantino films, it was bizarre, gory, and hilarious at the same time. I thoroughly enjoyed the movie-going experience.

Topic for Today: because I can't think of anything creative of today, I'm picking a category that is so blatantly obvious of a decision that anybody who disagrees with the verdict should be committed to a mental institution. Our topic is bread and the bakeries from which they issue. There is nothing quite like arriving to the French boulangerie, asking for a 80-centime baguette, and being handed a piping hot, crispy-on-the-outside, delicious-and-melty-on-the-inside piece of heaven. Nothing in the 'States even comes close. We're tied once more, 11-11.

French for the Day: did you know that "baguette" is also the word for "drumstick" (as in the sticks used to play the drums, not a chicken leg--that's a "pilon") and also the word for "chopsticks"?


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