Sunday, November 05, 2006

What's for Dessert?

That's right, my self-created French pastry-eating challenge, the Tour du Croissant, took place today. I've just recently walked through the door of my apartment and I am exhausted. It may sound like a piece of cake (pun intended), but eating that much sugar in a single day's span is actually a big challenge. Despite the massive amount of pastry-associated calories I took in today, I probably also burned a lot as well--we were walking/Metro-ing all around Paris from about 10 in the morning until 8 in the evening, and quite frankly, my legs are just as tired as they were after our recent Irish hike through the mountains!

I will keep you in suspense until my annual Christmas Card is finished to reveal the full details of my quest...but suffice it to say that our journey led us to use 9 of the 14 available Parisian Metro lines and I have successfully proved that it is possible to live on nothing but French pastry and water for a 24-hour period. Perhaps in the future my pioneering ways will be recognized and I will be able to rightfully take my place next to the giants of exploration such as Lewis & Clark, Charles Lindburgh, and Jacques Costeau.

By the way, one of the reasons I keep this blog is for myself: I've always been a fan of keeping a rough written log of what I do--part of the fun is being able to look back in time as to what I was doing. For instance, I know that exactly one year ago I flushed my glasses down the toilet.


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