Thursday, August 20, 2009


A few thoughts before I hop on the plane to Seattle, in order to attend my college roommate Jason's wedding:

1. Don't get me wrong: I'm going to miss my kids & wife over the next few days. But I have to say that the thought of flying on an airplane without the kids actually seems like a very pleasant, relaxing experience. I'm actually looking forward to the forced-downtime of a cross-country flight to catch up on some reading.

2. My college friends and I are going to have to think of some new excuses to get together now that almost all of us are married...

3. I'm very excited about Brett Favre's signing by the Vikings. It's not guaranteed to be a success, but at least it spices up the plotlines for MN's season and will likely guarantee a greater media coverage of Minnesota's games on the East Coast for me this year. Also, it would be awesome if Favre kills the Packers in their matchups this year.

4. Happy Birthay to my wife Claire today!!!


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