Wednesday, June 24, 2009

What is the Best Web Site Ever?

I recently stumbled upon this outsanding website: Every Jeopardy question ever asked. And the answers. Since 1983. And you can play each game on your own. As somebody who once attempted to memorize every single Trivial Pursuit question in the entire Genus edition, this type of encyclopedic collection really appeals to me.

Plus I'll throw in a picture from a few weeks ago of the kiddos from before their French-Fried vacation...can't wait to see them again next week!


Blogger Unknown said...

do you recall a question in the Genus edition regarding who is credited with a strikeout in baseball? I recall the correct answer being the catcher, but have never understood that. Perhaps my brother was cheating.

11:20 AM  
Blogger nathanhellman said...

Probably cheating. Brothers & sisters are the ultimate competitors.

My sister Cathy once fooled me into thinking that the fifth taste was "spicy" to prevent me from getting the final pie piece.

4:17 PM  

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