Friday, September 08, 2006

Some Thoughts

Some thoughts....

...nothing makes you appreciate the Paris Metro more than when you miss the last train home and you are forced to walk 40 minutes across the city at 1:30 in the friggin' morning...

...a strangely-appealing French phrase: "J'ai grille le feu rouge." It literally means "I grilled the red light," and is equivalent to saying that you ran through a red light illegally while driving. I don't know why, but saying, "I really grilled that red light!" is cool. Perhaps we could start using this phrase in America? Who's with me?

...can you believe that the French powers-that-be have yet to grant me my official "medical appointment", an obligatory step in the bureaucratic ridiculousness necessary to secure my Carte de Sejour? My work visa expires in about a week, which means that if I have to leave the country for any reason, I may not be able to come back.

...funny saying I heard at lunch today from one of my co-workers. A female graduate student was eating some unsalted crackers for her dejeuner (lunch) and was criticized by their overall blandness by saying, "Un biscuit sans sel est comme une femme sans seins." Which means "A cracker without salt is like a woman without breasts." Claire tells me that she has heard this saying used for things as well, such as "A pen without ink is like a woman without breasts." Nice.


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