Monday, September 04, 2006

Stupid Belgians

Two random tidbits concerning French language/culture I picked up in the lab today:

#1: When you want to tell a joke about stupid people, the butt of the joke is usually a Belgian. In Minnesota, we tell Ole & Lena jokes (about stupid Norwegian immigrants); I know in many places in the country the southern U.S. is the reference point for idiocy, and in France it's the Belgians who are seen as the dumb ones. If they're so stupid, though, how did they come up with such mouth-watering chocolate, though? Something just doesn't add up.

#2: I remarked today that one of the guys in our lab had gotten a haircut since the last time I saw him, and he told me that the smart aleck thing to reply was, "No, ils sont tombe tout seul." This translates to, "No, they just fell out by themselves." Perhaps similar to this American classic:

Stating-the-obvious person: I see you got your hair cut!
Smart-alec hair-cuttee: Actually, I had all of them cut.


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