Monday, August 22, 2005

A Farewell to the VA

My time at the Philadelphia V. A. has come to an end!

To the vet with the left BKA (below-the-knee amputation) who heroically & narrowly avoided getting a right BKA...

To the vet with a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder and iv drug abuve presenting with presumed acute spinal osteomyelitis who is in a spinal collar at least until Tuesday when the Neurosurgery Clinic is open...

To the vet whose lungs are riddled with tuberculosis who is destined to remain an in-patient until his AFB sputums become negative x 3, which will probably occur at some point in mid-October...

To the vet with a "rheumatologic disorder of unknown etiology" who is being followed by every single consult service in the hospital...

To each and every vet who is at the V.A. who is now just "awaiting placement"...

I salute you.

In all seriousness, the VA was a pretty fun month...taking care of these guys is pretty fun, and although I poke fun, serving them is actually an honor.

Next up: 2 weeks of the EMERGENCY ROOM. Time to bust out my Peter Benton moves and save some lives, starting with the 7pm-7am shift... See ya!


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