Friday, August 15, 2008

Favre's Blog?

Weird headline in the wake of the big "What will happen to Brett Favre" which played itself out last week (with Favre heading to the NY Jets after a painfully drawn out decision by the ex-Green Bay Packer to un-retire): "Favre's deal with Packers included souvenirs, blog, report says." Evidently Green Bay so against his coming back and playing this year, they offered him a $20 million marketing package, including....a blog! Don't let them pull one on you, Brett--anybody can get a FREE blog on; there's no need for a $20 million marketing package!

There are some good sports blogs written by athletes out there...probably the best ones I've occasionally perused are recently retired NBA journeyman Paul Shirley, and Red Sox ace Curt Schilling.


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