Mmmm, Fish Oils

The disease IgA Nephropathy is the most common cause of glomerulonephritis (a type of kidney inflammation, it sometimes results in complete loss of kidney function) in the world. One of the medications that can be used to treat it are FISH OILS. They come in gel-like capsules full of purified fish omega fatty acids.
How do they know it works? There was a clinical trial comparing individuals with IgA Nephropathy who received fish oils capsules compared to those who received placebo capsules with just olive oil inside. Patients who received fish oil capsules had improved kidney function.
One of the side effects listed for people taking fish oils is that it "may cause fishy odor."
I was diagnosed of igaN after a kidney biopsy done 5 yrs ago. Has been on fish oil ever since. My mum has renal failure for 10 yrs now and my brother has js undergone steriod treatment 2 yrs ago. I hv 13 glomerulus damaged and i hvnt gone to hv any biopsy since.
Lately, i hv bad lower back ache and poor appetite. i dont know if it is due to the kidney disorder.
I just migrated to Ca, USA for less than 2 yrs.
Thank you for your article on this disease.
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