Sunday, April 22, 2007

Election Day Has Arrived!

The time has come...for election day! Within a few short moments, we will know the top 2 candidates, which will then face off against one another in the 2nd Round about two weeks from now. It's exciting because the outcome is still definitely in question. Updates to follow.

In honor of the election, I present another graffiti'ed French campaign poster I found outside of the Musée des Arts et Metiers: this one of the ridiculously far right candidate Jean-Marie Le Pen. The balloon bubble coming from Le Pen's mouth reads, "Je suis un gros pd", which can be translated as "I am a fat pedophile." Gotta love graffiti. Let's hope that Le Pen (who has in the past publicly stated that he doesn't believe the Holocaust happened) doesn't make it into the 2nd round, like he inexplicably did in 2002.


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