Monday, October 09, 2006

Level Three!

In a good mood tonight because I did well on my French was the first night of the French class I am taking through the city of Paris, and to begin with they have you take a test to determine what niveau ("level") of French at which you can start. There are five levels, and I had rather hopefully signed myself up as a "Level 2". Well, I took the test tonight, and was pleasantly surprised that in fact I can be bumped up to a "Level 3"! I guess I've picked up a reasonable amount so far...

Saw the movie "Le Diable S'Habille en Prada" ("The Devil Wears Prada") yesterday night; I have to admit that for a "girl movie" it was actually tolerable.

French expression for the day: After somebody sneezes, you are supposed to say, "A tes souhaites", which means "To your hopes."

After the second time somebody sneezes, you say: "A tes amours" ("To your loves").

And after the third time somebody sneezes, you say... "Tu es malade!" ("You're sick!"). (I made up that last part...)


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