Sunday, March 19, 2006

Honey, I'm home!

I'm back!

After one of the more grueling traveling experiences I've had thus far (our flight left Cape Town at about 1:40 pm Friday and we didn't get to Philadelphia until 31 hours later) I've made it back to home soil!

Mostly I'm just happy to see my wife after all these weeks. That and they managed to rapidly track down my luggage in a timely fashion, as my big camping backpack stuffed full of African goodies was temporarily lost. It was delivered to my apartment yesterday evening.

What do I have to look forward to now? Well, on Monday I have the joy and honor of being ON CALL in the Presbyterian CCU (Cardiac Intensive Care Unit), where I shall be for the next month. It's going to be quite a bit of culture shock, as my overall strategy for managing heart attacks in Botswana (give 'em an aspirin, check an EKG in the morning when the machine is working, and hope for the best) is generally not going to fly in the Presby CCU.

Oh yeah, and I also have to file my taxes, apply for a French work visa for next year, pay the bills, plan out my Grand Rounds for next month, and catch up on a host of other crapola that builds up after having visited "The Dark Continent" for 6 weeks...

Oh and here's a grauitous shot of a lion chowing down on an impala carcass to whet your appetites for my African pics, which I intend to post in the weeks to come...