Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Last Remaining Frenchie Pics

A few last random pics from our Frenchie vacation, with brief explanations:

We stayed at a friend's apartment in the 18th Arrondissement, a few blocks away from this building unofficially labeled "Ministere Pour La Regularisation de Tous les Sans Papiers"--loosely translated as "Minister for the Regularization of All Those Without Official Papers", or illegal immigrants. It's a big issue in France, where relatively lax policies regarding letting immigrants into the country (compared to other European countries, at least) have led to a significant subpopulation of individuals who have been living and working in France for several years, but without the official right to do so.

Claire & Max at the Pantheon doors.
Sophie discovers "la feve" in her galette de rois, a traditional French pastry eaten around the holidays.
Sophie & her friend Anais on the Metro (both smiling, but unfortunately towards a different camera).