HD Victory In Sight
My sister Susie came to visit this weekend and we packed a lot of activities in! Fortunately the New York City-to-Boston corridor was relatively snow-free and we were able to walk around outside quite a bit. Some highlights:
So easy to make Max laugh these days...just pretend to start chasing him by stating "I'm gonna get you!" and 9 times out of 10 he'll go nuts. Usually there's more actual pursuit than in this video, but you get the idea.
A few last random pics from our Frenchie vacation, with brief explanations:
For me, the best part of our trip to Paris was getting together with old friends. In fact, a good chunk of our time while in Paris was shuttling back and forth from dinner party to dinner party (and eating an impressive overall quality of food, I might add). On Sunday, our last full day in Paris, we ate raclette with a bunch of my former colleagues from my days at Hopital Necker; the entertainment consisted of watching little Sophie and her friend Leilie dance and sing like the little princesses that they are. Enjoy, Mom & Dad.
We're back in Boston! That's right, we successfully navigated the ridiculously heightened security lines and made it back to the U.S. after a great 10-day vacation. Highlights of today's voyage include Sophie's puking massive amounts of orange juice-flavored vomit as soon as we landed. Kudos to her for waiting the entire flight before letting loose. Anyways, she's feeling better already, so here's a bunch of random Parisian monuments we saw while ambling around town.
We took a nice walk last week along "La Cote Sauvage"--"the savage coast" lining the Atlantic Ocean, a little south of Brittany. It was cold and blustery, but still nicer than your typical Boston winter day. Here are some pics.
Check out this totally awesome industrial crepe-making machine I saw in downtown La Baule. It's kind of like a giant, rotating spider...that makes crepes! Would that mine own dreams be haunted by such a creature...
One of the "field trips" we took last week was a trip to Guerande, a medieval city not far from Claire's parents' in LaBaule. The old part of the city (shown in this aerial view obviously not taken by my camera) is surrounded by a large wall and there's several cool little shops inside, as well as the obligatory large church.