Congrats x 3
Nate's Blog has a trifecta of congratulations this morning.
Congrats #1 goes to the winners of the 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine: all three Americans, who earned their recognition by studies of telomeres (the "caps" on the end of chromosomal DNA that prevent its degradation, also turns out to be extremely important in cancer biology). The winners were Carol Greider, Elizabeth Blackburn, and Jack Szostak, the last one of whom works at my very own hospital (Massachusetts General Hospital)!
Congrats #2 goes to the Duluth Dukes, my 2009 Fantasy Baseball team that pulled out a season victory on the last day of the season. I'm giving co-MVPs to my two starting pitching aces of the year, Felix Hernandez (Seattle Mariners) and C.C. Sabathia (NY Yankees), both of whom will probably be considered for the real-life Cy Young award this year.
Congrats #3 goes to the MN Vikings, Brett Favre, and Monday Night Football--their excellent showing against the Green Bay Packers last night gave me something to watch while my 10-month old son Max refused to go to sleep, literally screaming at the top of his lungs every time I tried to put him in bed--the game kept me somewhat grounded, at least during the first part of the night...
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