Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Felicitacions! Claire & I are now proud owners of a brand-new teletexte-capable television! Allow me to explain. I love our apartment, which as I've mentioned before is fully-furnished. The only problem is that the television is an older one which does not have the teletexte technology needed in order to view "les sous-titres" (subtitles) on certain television shows. Obviously, the subtitles are in French, but it's better than nothing in terms of helping me understand and perhaps even aids in my never-ending quest to improve my feeble French language skills. SO: to that end, Claire and I purchased a teletexte-containing television set today from "Darty" (the French version of "Best Buy", I suppose) tonight. It actually helps quite a bit, and now I can actually use the excuse "but it's educational!" when I want to watch the boob tube.

French phrase of the day: "Il pleut comme une vache qui pisse", which literally means "It's raining like a cow that's pissing". I guess it's roughly the same as the American "It's raining cats and dogs", but I can honestly say that I prefer the French version better due to its graphic nature.

Au revoir for now,

Monsieur Nate


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